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What is the classification of Lanzhou lubricating oil?(二)

Category: Industry information    Release time: 2022-03-09    Author: Lanzhou Liulian Kunrun Petrochemical Co., LTD
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        Almost all Lanzhou lubricants on the market are made from base oils。The deployment of lubricating oil starts with base oil。Add a small amount of additives to the base oil to make lubricating oil。
        The lubricating grease of Lanzhou lubricating oil is also based on base oil, adding thickening agent and a small amount of additives to form viscous grease semi-solid。
        Lanzhou lubricating oilThe performance of the lubricating oil depends on the raw material and formulation technology。Since the main component of lubricating oil and grease is base oil, the grade of base oil largely determines the performance of lubricating oil。
        Classification of base oils
        The Petroleum Institute (API) generally uses classification criteria for base oils。The API classifies base oils into five categories, of which mineral oils are classified into categories yi, er and san, and synthetic base oils are classified into categories IV and V。
        1) API-I oil
        Class I oil is a solvent refined mineral oil, the use of temperature range is generally 0~65 degrees Celsius, is the base oil of cheap lubricating oil on the market。
        2) API-II oil
        Class II oils are base oils made from hydroprocessing (hydrocracking)。After hydrotreating, the hydrocarbon molecules are saturated, the yang chemical resistance is enhanced, the color is more transparent than one, and the price is more expensive。

        3) API-III oil

Lanzhou lubricating oil

        This oil is treated with hydroisomerization, and the resulting oil is purer than the second oil。Although Lanzhou lubricating oil is made from crude oil, because the performance of three types of oil is close to synthetic oil, three types of oil are sometimes classified as synthetic oil。
        4) API-IV oil
        API fourth type of oil refers to polyalpha-olefin (PAO), can adapt to a wider range of high and low temperatures, and can meet the cold and high temperature application environment。
        5) API-V type oil
        Common categories include PAG(polyalkyleglycol), phosphatester, silicone, and ester oils。This oil is sometimes mixed with the base oil of Lanzhou lubricating oil to improve the performance of the lubricating oil。For example, esters are better at cleaning than PAO, so it takes longer to add a little ester to the deployment, whereas PAG is currently used。At present, GTL natural gas synthetic oil also adds a new choice to the synthetic oil family。
        Mineral oil and synthetic oil
        Mineral oil: At present, Lanzhou lubricants and greases use mineral oil as a base oil。Mineral oil refers to the oil fractionated from petroleum, which has been formed naturally for a long time, and the price is relatively low due to sufficient raw materials。
        Synthetic oil: Synthetic oil refers to the oil prepared by complex chemical means such as polymerization and catalysis。Their properties are the work of chemists, but the downside is that they are relatively expensive。